L/R: ‘Tiny’ Hick, Jack Frost, Dave Naris, Glyn Guymer, John Westland in Mess, 1965

It doesn’t look much as a club, but the following 4 photos are of the Cpl’s Mess, on the first floor at York Bks. It was the social heart of the Unit, much loved by ‘living-in’ Unit members and a place of endless fun and relaxation – and hangovers!  Between 1965 – 1968 it also played host to visits by The Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, The Who, Peter & Gordon who had all been performing at the Halle Muensterland.  The Beach Boys almost made it to the Mess, but ran out of time after their show – as did The Kinks!

Bernie Walsh (L), Garry Joynes, RMPA meeting, 2019
L/R: (?), Diane Maxton, Bill ‘Lefty’ Maxton, Barry Arnold – Lefty’s wedding, April 1965