L/R: ‘Tiny’ Hick, Jack Frost, Dave Naris, Glyn Guymer, John Westland in Mess, 1965
Ken Lacey (L) and ‘Jock’ Barkess, 1966Jack Russell in the Cellar Bar, 1965Barry Arnold (L), ‘Ally’ Watson at Vogelsang, 1964L/R: Jimmy James, supported by John Westland, Christmas Draw in the Mess, 1965L/R: Robbie Thomson, Ken Lacey, Dave ‘Smudge’ Smith in the Westland/Lacey/Smith/Edgar room, 1966Lenny Want, 3 tours in Muenster and still taking photos, 1967L/R: Jack Frost, Ron Brocklesby, Eric Howarth, Graham ‘Torchy’ Phillips, (?), Tom Renforth, John Westland, Dave Fretwell, Bob Rose, Bill ‘Lefty’ Maxton, Jimmy Atherton, WO2 Maurice Caldecott, 1964
It doesn’t look much as a club, but the following 4 photos are of the Cpl’s Mess, on the first floor at York Bks. It was the social heart of the Unit, much loved by ‘living-in’ Unit members and a place of endless fun and relaxation – and hangovers! Between 1965 – 1968 it also played host to visits by The Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, The Who, Peter & Gordon who had all been performing at the Halle Muensterland. The Beach Boys almost made it to the Mess, but ran out of time after their show – as did The Kinks!
Decorated for Christmas – Lcpl Robbins ACC playing ‘Rotomint’, top right -1967Looking from the bar towards the dance floorNote photo of Jimmy James/Willi on top shelf – photo elsewhere on this websiteBar stools, often used as a drum kit by a young NCO!L/R: Viv & Paddy Kane , Christmas 1966L/R: ‘Willi’ – kitchen, Capt N C Allen, ‘Auguste’ -cleaner, Rear ‘Sgt ‘Pop’ Rowe, Ssgt Fred Bennett , Christmas 1965‘Taff’ Adams ACC (L), Bill Turner – having a fag!L/R: Sheila Fretwell, Dave Fretwell, Bob Rose, Brenda Rose, Rear: John Westland, ‘Tiny’ Hick, Pete Isted – 1967‘Chic’ Harding saying farewell – 16 Sept 67L/R: Bob Fowles, John Westland, Dave Bullen, Dave MacGregor 1968L/R: Tom Middleton, Margaret Middleton, Mary James (rear), Jimmy James, 1967Ron Brocklesby with cardboard cut-out, 1965Robbie Thomson (L) John Westland – Christmas 1965L/R: Barry Arnold, Phil ‘Pip’ Croft, Kevin Jobson, Pete Isted – 1967L/R: Barry Arnold, Bill Turner, Robbie Thomson, 1965L/R: Allan Edgar, Bill Turner, Keith Hay, John Westland, Robbie Thomson, Alan Mews, Jock Barkess – Bill’s birthday bash 1966Rear L/R: Harry Simmonds (RP staff, 15/19H), Barry Drew ACC, Robbie Thomson, Dave Naris, Fred Lea, Front L/R: Harry Phillips, Jimmy James, John’Chico’ Wilkinson – Mike Bliss with camera. Corps Day coach trip to Amsterdam, 20th Jun 1967Rear L/R: Fred Lea, Jimmy James, John Westland, Keith Hay, Front: Alan Mews, Robbie ThomsonHeidi Lorenzen (L), John WilkinsonBill Grant (L), JimmyTurpie ACC – 1967Paddy Kane (L), Harry Phillips, Reunion May 1989John Fowles (L), Paddy Mackle (Rear), Mel Cole (R), Ann Fowles (Middle) – Cellar Bar fancy dress event, 1967Bill Grant (L), John Mallory, Fancy Dress event, 1967Robbie Thomson (L) Dave ‘Smudge’ Smith – Fancy Dress event, 1967L/R: Robbie Thomson, ‘Pop’ Rowe, John Wilkinson, pre-lunch drinks in Mess, Christmas Day, 1965Jimmy James (L), John Williams, car park in front of Duty Room, near 4 Flt AAC office, York Bks – 1966Fred Campbell – 1964Jimmy James – 1964Keith Hay – 1964Mike Bliss (L) and Bernie Walsh in Bernie’s ‘duty room’ at the bottom of the garden! 2019Bill Grant, Amsterdam visit, 1967L/R: Jack Frost, Glyn Guymer, Allan Edgar in the Mess, 1965L/R: Glyn Guymer, Dave Smith, John Westland -1964Centre, L/R: Marlies, Heidi Lorenzen, Phil Croft. Top left: Heiner, top right: Dave Naris, Jimmy James – 1966L/R: Terry Regent (front), (?),(?), Sheila Regent, Paddy Kane – 1966Dave Smith in uniform, below him: Betty Rowe and Ken Lacey, top right: Ron Brocklesby and Gerry Rossbander – 1966L/R: (?), Dave Smith, WO2 Brian Gater – 1966Glyn Guymer (L), Dave Smith – 1964Annita Mobbs (L) and Mick Mobbs in Duty Room – 1966 L/R: David Naris, Steen Naris (rear), Jimmy James, Mary James – 1966L/R: Bob Allen, Jock Barkess, Keith Hay, Barry Arnold, Jimmy Daniel – visit to Becks Brewery – 1966L/R: Robbie Thomson, Maureen Turpie, Jimmy TurpieBernie Walsh (L), Garry Joynes, RMPA meeting, 2019L/R: (?), Diane Maxton, Bill ‘Lefty’ Maxton, Barry Arnold – Lefty’s wedding, April 1965L/R: Robbie Thomson, Margaret Westland, John Westland – 2003John Westland (L), Harry Phillips – 2015Alf Goodchild (L), Ken Lacey, Reunion 2002Keith Hay – 1966Aa See, Munster – 1966Rear, L/R: Jane Brocklesby, (?) Taylor, Ron Brocklesby, Joe Taylor, Front: Marlies – 1966L/R: ‘Jock’ Barkess, Keith Hay, Bob Rose, Becks Brewery 1966L/R: (?), Taff Adams ACC, Barry Drew ACC, Becks Brewery, 1966Capt Rogers (back to camera) – bottom right, Barry Arnold, Jimmy Daniel, Brian Gater, Becks Brewery 1966 L/R: Fred Bennett, John Westland, John Williams, Barry Crossley, Becks brewery 1966L/R: Barry Arnold, Ken Lacey, Dave Smith, John Westland, Gerry Rossbander, Ron Brocklesby, Paddy Kane 1966L/R: Ron Brocklesby, Paddy Kane, Mick Mobbs 1966L/R: Jane Brocklesby, (?) Taylor, Ron Brocklesby 19661st Left: Bob Rose, Rear L/R: Dave Naris, Steen Naris, Jimmy James, Mary James, 1966L/R: Mick Mobbs, ‘Willi’, Harry Phillips – 1967Brenda Rose (L), Paddy Mackle – 1967Robin Buzza – not happy about going swimming! 1967Robbie Thomson – “I ain’t bovvered!” – 1966Jim Atkinson (L), Bill Grant in Cellar Bar – 1967L/R: Terry Lambley, Tom Middleton (front), Jimmy James, Mel Cole – 1968Paddy Kane (L), Brian Grimshaw – 1968L/R: Terry Regent, John Williams, Annita Mobbs, Mick Mobbs – 1966Dave Naris in Cellar Bar – 1965Alan ‘Jock’ Barkess – 1967(L) Horst Hopp, resident sign writer and Harry Phillips – 1967John Westland (L), Fred Lea – 1968L/R: (?), Robbie Thomson, Dave MacGregor, Front: Back of Bernie Walsh’s head! 1968Glyn Guymer (L), Jack Frost Rear, L/R: Phil Croft, Kevin Jobson, Barry Arnold, Pete Isted, Jack Frost, 1967L/R: Ken Lacey, John Westland, Harry Phillips, Dave ‘Smudge’ Smith – 1967John Westland 1966Alan Mews 1967Jimmy James – 1967Paddy Mackle (L), Jimmy James 1967Rear: Bob Rose (L), Barry Arnold, Front: John Westland (L), Dave Naris – 1965‘Film star – wot, me?!’ John ‘Chico’ Wilkinson 1964L/R: Dave Smith, Carole Atherton, Jimmy Atherton, Marlies, Jack Frost – 1965Sgt Bob Wray, SIB receives Christmas draw prize from John Westland, Tina Essler looking on, Ann Fowles (blonde) behind – 1966Charlotte’s pommes frittes stall, opposite Hauptbahnhof. Charlotte behind counter, on right. 1965Marlies (L) and Heiner – 1967Harry Simmonds (15/19H) and Grace Simmonds – 1967“Here’s tae us” Harry Phillips – 1967Bernie Walsh (front), Mike Bliss (middle), Bill Turner – 1967Carole and Jimmy Atherton, fancy dress party, Hiltrup, Feb 1965Middle, ‘Torchy’ Phillips, Keith Hay, Alan Mews in uniform. 1966L/R Rear: (?), Brenda Rose, Mrs Greaves, (?), Bob Greaves. Front, (?), Bob Rose – 1966Front left: Barry Drew ACC, Front right: Heidi Lorenzen, Heiner. At bar, L/R: John Wilkinson, (?), ‘Taff’ Adams ACC, Barry Arnold, (?), John Westland, Smudge Smith, ‘Chic’ Harding, ‘Pop’ Rowe, Brian Gater 1966Alan Mews, Sonthofen, 1966Robbie Thomson, Sonthofen, 1966Alan Mews (L), Robbie Thomson, Sonthofen, 1966When 6 Bde moved to Barnard Castle, 4 Gds Bde Pro Unit moved into their York Bks location – 1968The main gate into York Bks, photographed by Bernie Walsh and Mel Cole during a visit in Oct 2013The 4/7RDG then 10H guardroom during 1965 – 1968, inside the main gate.Top, L/R:Barry Mountford, Robbie Thomson, Alan Mews, Middle: Barry Arnold, Jack Frost, Mel Cole, Bottom: Bernie Walsh, Zoom get-together, Feb 2021Paddy Brennan’s 6 Bde plaque made for him by the Unit signwriter when Paddy was CQMS at OsnabruckKevin Jobson, Cellar Bar, 1966Car park, outside duty roomL/R: Fred Lea, Marlies, Maureen Lea – 1967L/R: (?), (?), Bob Wray SIB, Paddy Kane, Viv Kane Rear: Robin Buzza, Frank Huggett, interpreter, Mrs Jim Daniel – 1967Dave ‘Smudge’ Smith (L), Barry ArnoldAlan ‘Jock’ Barkess – 1968L/R: Alan Mews, Robbie Thomson, Gerhart Rossbander, Interpreter. 1965Glyn Guymer (L), Robbie Thomson 1965Mick BarwickMick Barwick (left) and colleagues at 1 (BR) Corps Pro Coy RMP. 1968The Schnellimbiss stall at Münster Hauptbahnhof, viewed by Bernie and Mel during their 2013 visit to Münster. Charlotte’s ‘brattie stall’ was on the opposite side of the road, but is now gone.L/R: Andrew Moon, Garry Joynes, Maj John Tasker, Mick Piotrowski at RMPA Manchester Branch get-together in Bernie Walsh’s garden – Aug 2021Maj John Tasker (L) and Bernie Walsh – RMPA get-together, Aug 2021Namesake! Spud Taylor 2021.Barry Arnold, Guernsey, Sept 2021L/R: Edna Bullen, Alf Elwell, Dave Bullen, Sept 2021Bernie Walsh(L) and Mel Cole, Oct 2021Petra Walsh (L) and Liz, Oct 2021. Two photos taken in Bernie’s bar at the bottom of the garden! Next day Mel successfully proposed to Liz – well done you two.